Cresnet Centre


Ongoing Projects

  • 1.

    Learner Support for children with specific learning difficulties - supporting learners with dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia to learn and thrive.
  • 2.

    Foundational literacy and numeracy for all.
  • Production of digital learning resources for deaf children in early grades, 
  • Reimagining basic numeracy instructional materials for learners with disabilities.
  • 3.

    Testing use of Virtual Reality to increase learning outcomes for children with disabilities

Completed Projects

  • 1.

    Capacity building of Njiru Sub County Kenya Children Assembly (KCA)
  • 2.

    Capacity building of community organizations on child protection and safeguarding.
  • 3.

    Design and production of digital parental empowerment materials on child protection, inclusive education, mental wellbeing etc.
  • 4.

    Research on exploitation of children with disabilities: A case study of Nairobi and Kisumu counties.

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